Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I'm not entirely sure what Christie was saying at some points. I've seen a lot of movies, but only about two of those he mentioned had any meaning for me whatsoever. It's hard to understand someone's explanation when you don't really have a frame of reference. That said, I'm not sure what he was talking about at times. I have hope that I'll get it eventually, but that will come with more explanation and information.

One part of this article that is worth discussing is the part that visibly stands out. The quote that starts "For the Formalists,...", that is enlarged on page 59 is the line that before I saw its emphasis, thought it had some significant meaning. I wonder what it meant when it said that art is the process by which perception is slowed down. I suppose it means art is attempting to synthesize emotions and experiences so that they're captured and easy to understand and analyze. Therefore the critic talks about the degree to which an artist can create a slowed down experience. Then again, based on how I feel about this reading, I could just be totally wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that maybe the part about art being "the process by which perception is slowed down" had to do with what we talked about in class, making the familiar seem strange... like making you stop and think about concepts our attention would otherwise skate over. Maybe?
