Thursday, September 22, 2011

Formalism ad Neo-Formalism

Original thought: This article was very confusing. There was a whole lot I did either not comprehend, or can't even remember immediately following this article. However, there were a few things that did stick out to me. From what I understood, a good way to think about film form is in relation to music. Much like songs, movies have elements that are repeated or expanded upon. Much like a song has a verse, chorus, bridge, etc. structure, a film will have elements that create clear breaking points that will give it structure. If I'm wrong about this please tell me, I just felt that from what I read this worked as a good metaphor.
Other than that, one thing I noticed, was that Ian Christie had somewhat of a latent resentment towards the Cold War. At times, in the article, it seemed as if he felt that film would be further along if these theorists were not persecuted, and their thoughts were able to escape the "iron curtain." While this might be true, I'm sure that the western hemisphere had their own way of analyzing film (much like other people have said) and I would be intrigued to hear about them, since Christie fails to acknowledge this point.

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