I really enjoyed reading this interview, in fact I'd have to say it's my favorite of all the articles we've read for this class. Although it was also the longest article, I found it very easy and compelling to read through and probably spent less time on it than I did on some of the short articles. Of all the Billy Wilder films mentioned, I've only seen Double Indemnity and Sunset Boulevard, and while reading the interview I found myself wanting to see some of the others, particularly The Apartment.
I thought it was interesting how Wilder denied intentionally creating some of the things that other people interpret as major elements of his films. For instance, he said that in Double Indemnity he was not influenced by German filmmakers, did not try to do anything striking with the lighting, and did not light Barbara Stanwyck any differently than anyone else. Perhaps some of these decisions then were made by the cinematographer and lighting crew rather than Wilder himself.
My favorite part of the article was when Wilder explained how people how compliment him on his black and white film Some Like It Hot will say they liked the color photography if he brings it up. Very funny how something that seems like such a major part of a movie is so easily forgotten or misremembered.
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