Monday, October 3, 2011

Confusion with reading

At first when I read this article, I felt like I was missing something--some huge piece that would be the keystone for understanding the entire thing. Well from what I can understand we are missing something, it is very hard to comprehend what Bellour is talking about because he spends most of the article referencing screen grabs that we do not have access too. He is making a technical point about the structure of a scene, it is just to understand his technical point he brings in examples which we do not have the benefit of seeing. It would be one thing if I had viewed the movie beforehand, and I guess I will update this post after viewing it, but it is difficult to have time to complete the readings after the movie and before class on Tuesday. Even if I had viewed The Big Sleep beforehand it would still be nice to have the specific frame grabs available with the article.

When he talks about the the distribution of the characters relative to the shots and the overlaying of one code with another. These are all things that need to be viewed to fully understand. Maybe this was just an oversight to forget to attach the images to the article.

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